A kitten named Midas, who lives in Ankara, Turkey, has become an internet sensation recently. All cats are cute and lovable but this cat is extraordinarily cute, you might even call it an ‘Ear-resistible cat.
The cat has a beautiful dark gray coat, big green eyes, a recessive jaw, and two pairs of ears – each growing on either side of her little head. The kitten Midas was born with two sets of ears and a defective jaw due to a recessive genetic mutation.
“Canis Dosemeci, the kitten’s owner, created an Instagram account in her honor and has now amassed over 120k following. According to a report by Daily mail, Midas was a stray kitten adopted by Canis and her family, and now lives with two loving Golden Retrievers, Suzy, 12, and Zenyo, 14.”
While Midas’ look is rare, it does not seem to affect her daily life in any way. The extra set of ears does not mean double hearing power but it also doesn’t cause any difficulty for the cat.
And the extra ears also haven’t affected the cat’s nature at all. Midas is a very playful and friendly cat.